Who are you? What do you do? Why do you do it?

Hi I’m George and outside of being a husband and father, I run the development firm WebMocha. We’re a diverse team of full-stack professionals dedicated to improving the user experience. Interested in enterprise scale at startup speed? We’ve got you covered. I’ve also founded FreshBrewed which is on hiatus at the moment as we build out a platform to better enable contributors to the newsletters.

Outside of my family and my second family at WebMocha I’ve always been interested in helping foster an entrepreneurial community among Filipinos. I cofounded Filipinos Forward because there seemed to be a lack of access to other filipinos in the tech/entrepreneurial community. Despite having come from a tight knit military family, no one really knows or understands what I do and none of my relatives were really equipped to answer a lot of the questions I fumbled my way along to answers to eventually.

So if you’ve got questions about a project you’re working on, wondering (if you should or ) how to start a new business, or just want to see other Filipinos discuss their hustle. Join our slack channel and jump on in!

What gets you out of bed in the mornings?

A number of things really. More than anything, each day is an opportunity to make a difference. In my family’s life and in the lives of the various people I get to interact with, I feel that everyone’s got varying degrees of influence in the circles of friends and acquaintances they travel in.

My favorite quote and motto I strive to live by sums it up pretty well:

“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


I was once on tv. Once.

Favorite Filipino Foods?

  • Food 1
  • Food 2
  • Food 3
  • Food 4
  • Food 5

You can find me at:

www  Twitter  LinkedIn

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